Faculty members


Dmytryshyn Marian is Head of the Department, Professor, was born in 1973, graduated from the Vasyl Stefanik Precarpatian University in 1995, specialty “Mathematics”. He studied in graduate school at the Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv). In 1999 he defended his PhD thesis on “Vectors of exponential type of operators with discrete spectrum on Banach spaces”. In 2020 he defended his doctoral thesis on “Approximation spaces associated with entire exponential type vectors”. Since 2021 he is Head of the Department.

He provides teaching of courses: Higher mathematics, Models of economic dynamics, Modeling of microeconomic processes, Modeling by methods of neural networks.

Research interests: Operator theory, Spectral approximations, Interpolation theory, Elliptic differential operators.

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Kazmerchuk Anatolii is Associate Professor, was born in 1965, graduated from Moscow State University in 1987, specialty “Mathematics”. He studied at the graduate school at Moscow State University. In 1992 he defended his thesis on “To study of methods for constructing of the generalized solutions of nonlinear equations of the first order”. Since 1994 he is Associate Professor.

He provides teaching courses “Equations of the mathematical physics”, “Partial differential equations”, “Mathematiacal and computer modeling”, “Equations of the mathematical physics of the first order”.

Research interests: nonlinear partial differential equations of the first order, nonlinear systems of equations of the first order, multipoint problems for ordinary differential equations with parameters, mathematical modeling in economics, mathematical aspects of triangulation on plane and space, mathematical aspects of the sorting problem.


  Goy Taras is Associate Professor, was born in 1969, graduated from the Vasyl Stefanik Precarpatian University in 1993, specialty “Mathematics” with additional specialty “Informatics”. He studied in graduate school at the Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics. In 1998 he defended his thesis on “Problems with nonlocal boundary conditions for partial differential equations”. Since 2000 he is Associate Professor.

He provides teaching courses “Differential Equations”, “Differential Equations and Equations of Mathematical Physics”, “Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research”, “Additional Sections of Discrete Mathematics”, and some elective academic disciplines.

Research interests: special numbers and polynomials, combinatorial number theory, determinants, permanents and other special matrix functions, factorials, binomial coefficients, combinatorial functions.

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  Vasylyshyn Pavlo is Associate Professor, was born in 1971, graduated from the Vasyl Stefanik Precarpatian University in 1993, specialty “Mathematics”. He studied in graduate school at the Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics. In 2001 he defended his thesis entitled “Multipoint problem for equations and systems of partial differential equations”. Since 2001 he is Associate Professor.

He provides teaching of the normative course “Numerical methods” and special courses “Mathematical methods for solving economic problems”, “Mathematical models in the natural and social sciences”, “Financial Mathematics”.

Research interests: Multipoint problems for equations and systems of partial differential equations.

  Mazurenko Viktor is Associate Professor, was born in 1977, graduated from the Vasyl Stefanik Precarpatian University in 1998, specialty “Mathematics and Informatics”. He studied in graduate school at the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. In 2003 he defended his thesis on “Discrete-continuous boundary value problems for generalized quasidifferential equations”. Since 2008 he is Associate Professor.

He provides teaching standard courses “Control theory”, “Systems and methods of decision-making”, “Methods of optimization and operation research” and special course “Generalized quasidifferential equations”.

Research interests: boundary problems for ordinary differential and quasidifferential equations with distributions in coefficients.

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  Makhnei Oleksandr is Associate Professor, was born in 1977, graduated from the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 1999, speciality “Mathematics”. He studied in post-graduate school at the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. In 2005 he defended his thesis “Singular quasidifferential operators on a finite interval”. Since 2008 he is Associate Professor.

He provides teaching standard and special courses “Computer mathematics systems”, “Mathematical modeling”, “Algorithms and data structures”, “Simulation modeling”, “System programming”, “Web programming”, “Web technologies”, “Differential and integral equations”, “Optimal project management”, “LaTeX publishing system”, “Functional programming”, “Computer modeling and optimization”, “Applied problems of graph theory”.

Research interests: boundary value problems for singular differential and qusidifferential equations.

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